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Professional ATO services for airlines

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Our tailored programs are designed to take your aviation training to new heights

Our Services

Discover our aviation training services.


We offer various training courses tailored to fit your needs.


Our training facility is modern and well equipped.

Team V1

Our team consist of multiple highly qualified instructors.

About V-ONE

V-ONE (Approved Training Organization) was established in August 2021. We specialize in providing top-quality training for flight- and cabin-crew for multiple aircraft types. Our mission is to continuously strive for excellence in aviation training and to make flying safer for everyone. Our services are tailored to meet the needs of airlines, and we pride ourselves on delivering customized training programs that meet their requirements and specifications.

Our team of instructors and employers all have extensive experience in the aviation industry from various sectors and are all committed to provide our customers with a top quality service.

As an established industry leader, we are honored to have partnered with top-rated airlines such as DHL Bahrain, DHL Austria, Icelandair and Aviation Authorities.


2024 – A good year behind

At the turn of the year, it is an old and good tradition to look over one's shoulder – to reflect onwhat has been achieved,…

B757/767 IS&S Flat Panel

V-ONE offers clients Flat Panel conversion training from Classic instruments to new modern IS&S Flight Deck. IS&S is industry leading solution for Boeing 757 /…

Viðskiptablaðið fjallar um V-one og framtíðarverkefni

Við horfum bjartsýnir til framtíðar og hlökkum til að takast á við skemmtileg verkefni á komandi mánuðum V-one er nýtt íslenskt fyrirtæki sem sérhæfir sig…
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Contact Us

Team V-One has worldwide experience as operational aircrew and extensive experience as trainers and examiners. We are happy to assist you and are looking forward to hear from you.

T: +354 696 3867